NETCA STAFF & Missionaries

Richard & Jessie Roberts


Richard and Jessie arrived in Taiwan March 24, 2004 along with their three children. Just a few years earlier they had began to feel in their hearts that the Lord was calling them. In the first three years they lived in Hsin Chuang which is a suburb of Taipei. They served with a couple of different churches and led a small bible study for children’s soccer team each week.

Soon they felt that the Lord was calling them deeper into a rural area along the northeastern coast of Taiwan. After settling in a small fishing village called Aodi they began to pray and look for ways to serve the Lord. As of March 2024 they have started several village churches, incorporated their ministry and developed many public charity programs for those living in the region.

Their children are now grown and two of them have already married. They also have five grandchildren. When asked how long do they think they will stay in Taiwan their reply is that they believe the Lord has told them, “Until the last day.” They added that they are not exactly sure what the Lord means by the last day but that they are content to stay.



Matthew & Sarah Yang



“To reach the young generation with the Love of Christ so they would find their identity, purpose and destiny.”


About us

Posted 12.01.2017


    As many of you may know we have had our sweet baby Adelyn Rei for almost six months now! Time has just flown by and we are cherishing every moment! In our last update letter we expressed that we feel the calling of God to move back to Taiwan to serve as missionaries with Northeast Taiwan Christian Association. We have arrived little over 2 months now and we are transitioning ourselves fitting into the ministry here!

    We have left Dallas and were in Richmond, VA visiting Matthew’s family for about a month before we left. During our time while in the states we've been fundraising through speaking at churches and sharing with one on one meetings with people interested in supporting this mission. As for now we are still raising support as we've seen His faithfulness in many ways and He's going to continue to bring people to us to partner with us on this mission journey!

    We have built so many relationships while here in the states and will cherish them so much. We have learned so much from the training time at Christ for the Nations as well as serving at Fellowship Church.

    Sarah and I will be in Taiwan to help launch a youth ministry under Northeast Taiwan Christian Association. NETCA is an organization who reaches about a strip of 10 to 15 small villages along the northeast coast of Taiwan. Pastor Richard Roberts and his wife Jessie got the vision from driving along the coast and seeing all of the beautiful scenery and beautiful people but as they drove through each village all they could find was huge temples but not one single church. Their vision is to see a church planted in each village and to reach out to the locals to be able to bring them to Christ.

    We will build the youth program by going into the local schools to build relationships with the students, starting a weekly youth service, weekly one on one visitation, and much more. There is a spiritual darkness in that area because of all the temples and the worship of different idols. We have seen so many young people as early as middle school leave the area because there is not much to do in the area so they all move to the larger cities. The ones that do stay may get part time jobs and some will work in the temples, and we see the desire that people want to have something or someone to worship but they have just not yet heard about Jesus.  

    We hope to reach the younger generation with love and compassion so that they will be able to encounter the love of God and desire to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. To reach the young people with the gospel so they could be empowered by the word of God at a young age and as they grow and mature they would be able to walk in freedom to shift the culture to a kingdom culture and to go into dark places to be the light of the world. We hope to build up kingdom leaders, Godly fathers and mothers to bring up the next generation in hopes that when you drive through the villages of Northeast Taiwan you will find a church and not a temple in every village.

    We thank you so much for your prayers and support and continue to anticipate sharing with you all that God is going to do in Northeast Taiwan!

Please partner with Matthew & Sarah by giving a one-time or recurring monthly donation with options below to NETCA US Base.

**Due to legalities NETCA reserves the right to use all donations where most needed. However it has been their habit 100% of the time to follow donor directions in forwarding funds to its missionary partners as long as all legal requirements are met.


The Yang Fam


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STEP 1. 
Make check payable to NETCA
Memo - Ministry support for Matthew & Sarah Yang

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C/O Cornerstone Church
245 Southland Dr
Americus, GA 31709

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